seminars for business professionals
Tired of failure and mediocre results? Learn how Seymour’s powerful accelerated-change techniques can help everyone in your organization – from managers to mail clerks – break through the wall and accelerate their job performance by 200%. Find out more
vanquish fear & anxiety seminars
Fear of Public Speaking Seminar**
Fear & Anxiety in the Workplace**
Fear of Flying Seminar **
Fear Seminar for Women***
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weekend phobia intensive
Spend a weekend with Seymour …never be afraid of anything, ever again. Whether your phobia is flying, speaking, or something to with work, Seymour’s techniques are guaranteed to vanquish all fears and anxieties forever! Find out more
seminars for sales organizations
Was last year’s bonus too small? Let Seymour teach your salespeople how to triple their earning potential, prospect more clients, cold call with confidence, and close more customers – in 5 simple steps! Find out more
wealth and success seminars
Want to double your income? First you must forget everything you ever learned about money (it’s all lies anyway) – then you must acquire the goals and habits of a 7-figure earner. Let Seymour teach you how! Find out more
health and wellness seminars
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